Private Mentorship

Apply for Mentorship - Waitlist now open

Mentorship with me means creating freedom from the inside out. It requires your full bodied commitment, and taking full responsibility for where you are. You will be held in a confidential no-judgement zone with deep compassion for all parts of you. This work is not about identifying trauma to create stories of limitation. This work is about building the consciousness to form new pathways in our bodies and minds in service for your highest vision. I believe in you. 

Soma” in Greek refers to the body’s conscious intellegence.
The ancient Greeks believed there were 3 intelligences: that of the Mind, the Soul, and the Soma.

What is Somatic & Parts work?

A common thread in many spiritual traditions is the importance of cultivating our will. Our will gives us the ability to choose freely rather than react out of impulse. Trauma responses keep us locked into old automatic patterns instead of acting from our true choice. By using Somatics and Parts work to release these imprints, we can free ourselves from living on autopilot. In this way, this work helps us align more deeply with our divine will, giving us the freedom to respond to life with greater awareness, purpose, and pure inspiration instead of fear. This is what allows us to move from fate to destiny, or in other words — No more being an NPC!

In Somatic work, we focus on the sensations in the body rather than just talking. For example, if someone feels a tightness in their chest when thinking about a current life situation, we might connect with this sensation and discover an imprint from a past event. Rather than talking about the story, we can learn to witness the sensation and build new pathways to decharging repressed emotions and moving the energy. This repatterns our nervous system’s responses and helps us become more resilient in the face of everyday challenges. 

“Parts work” is a potent way of working with our subconscious that is based upon the frame that our minds are made up of various parts and personalities. There are many forms of parts work that can be found in traditions from Tibetan Buddhism, Shamanism, to Western therapeutic models like IFS. By tapping into the subconscious and contacting parts, (such as an inner child) we can begin to understand the hidden beliefs and defenses that run our unhelpful patterns. This method helps us become the mindful observers of our reactions rather than at the whim of them. Working with the subconscious mind, body, and spirit creates deeper, lasting change that simple mindset work often can’t achieve. 

“Somatic Parts Work sessions can look more like an emotional meditation journey than a talk therapy session.

Benefits of this work

Both coaching and somatic nervous system rewiring can transform every area of your life. Here are some of the results you may experience through committing to this work over time:
  • Tools for Stress Management

  • Psychedelic Integration and Preparation

  • Decreased Attachment to Coping Mechanisms

  • Renewed Vitality

  • Deeper Self Compassion and Self Acceptance

  • Connection to Emotion, Intuition, and Clearer Decision Making

  • Connection to Purpose and Willpower

  • Less People Pleasing, Clearer Boundaries

  • Less Anxiety / Depression

  • Increased Capacity for Joy and Pleasure

  • Increased Capacity to meet Fears

  • Healing from Burnout

  • Resolving Self Sabotage

  • Healing Auto-Immune / Dis-ease symptoms

  • Confidence in Expression

  • Living from your Core instead of Programming

Free Discovery Call

BLet’s discuss where you’re at to see if working together would be a good match.
Serious inquiries only.

Integration Session

The objective of integration / preparation session is for the insights received through the medicine experience to be embodied into a living reality, instead of a collection of experiences that fade into the background. This integration space is held with safety, care, and compassion, alongside the somatic guidance of breaking free from long-held trauma imprints.

3 Months VIP

3 Months, Weekly Sessions (90 Minute / Session), Voice Note Support

3 Months (Bi-Weekly)

3 Months, Sessions Every Other Week (90 Minute / Session)


Dorian will use a combination of Somatic Nervous System Work, Parts Work, and mindset work within sessions. These modalities are supportive for trauma recovery, burn out, psychedelic preparation and integration, and becoming a master of navigating one’s triggers. The goal of this work is to get you familiar enough with these tools so you can eventually learn to navigate your inner world on your own without needing my support. 

 Each session will be catered towards you to support where you are at in your journey and what you're needing in the moment. All new clients must fill out an application for private mentorship and book a discovery call.

Sessions are 75 minutes

  • Zoom link for all sessions with be the same link - save the first email with the session zoom link

  • All future sessions after the first will be set up verbally

  • Cancellations/Rescheduling must be done within 24 hours of the booked appointment time otherwise the session is forfeited

  • *No Refunds Offered on Booked Sessions

  • *Please Read All Session Terms & Policies Prior to Booking

Below are the guiding principles I work under. If you are not open to these frames or find any mis-alignment with what is written, it’s possible we may not be the best fit to work together at this time.

My Principles

I do not subscribe to the idea anyone is broken. This work is not about “fixing,” but clearing the fog to remember our inherent perfection that always exists. As a Lakota elder once said to me,
“Your spirit, is like the sun. The clouds may come, the rain may come, but the sun is always there - you are shining and whole.”



I believe all people deserve compassion. It is my belief we are all eternally forgiven. When we can access this deep compassion for all the parts of ourselves we have made wrong, we cease to continue cycles of violence upon ourselves and the planet.

Creator Consciousness

I believe in upholding the paradigm of creator consciousness. Creator consciousness is the choice to view life as happening for our evolution at all times. Victim consciousness views life happening to us, as if we are at the whim of an unjust existence. With creator consciousness we still welcome all emotion and feel our rage. We still empathize with trauma, but we do not allow it to define our identity or capability.


To be truly empowered means to see “The Universe” in everyone, and ourselves. When we know we are all equally divine, we no longer need to seek for control, power, or wholeness outside of ourselves. When we hold this knowing of our divine power, we remember we have capabilities beyond what we have been indoctrinated to believe, and that we hold the ability to heal ourselves. Empowerment is the anti-dote to corporate control, war, and violence. When we are empowered, we no longer put others on pedestals, or rely on external systems that seek to create cycles of life draining co-dependency.

Coaching vs. Therapy

Therapists manage mental illnesses and diagnoses, coaches do not. Many people who have done therapy for a period significant of time and feel they have “told their story” enough find this work to be satisfying due to its tangible solution and practice-based nature. As your practitioner I am committed to moving us toward something new happening when we are stuck in a story so you feel the transformation.

I do not serve those in active addiction or mental health crisis in replacement for therapy because it is out of my scope of practice. You can visit and select “Find A Practitioner” to find a licensed therapist in your area or insurance network.